7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Invest on Atlantic Wave up to 20%, HOT DAY IN THE SOUTH, DERECHO IN OHIO

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Very hot day, but I'll talk on that later. Remember this detail... Raleigh, NC tied an all time record that was set in 1954... the year that Hazel came to visit.
Busy weather day from Iowa to the Atlantic Ocean and look at that new wave coming off of Africa..

The Wave in the Atlantic has blown up nicely today and maintained convection despite the best attempts of Cousin Sal to destroy it. The wave might be getting away as it moves slowly west into a an area where it might have better chances to develop. There is a big Upper Level Low, that many like to call "King Tutt" that is helping more than hurting "The Wave" in ways that are hard to explain here.. Suffice it to say, what does not kill you makes you stronger and the wave is stronger.
Now that we have an Invest by the Navy Site we will have more data, more model discussion ..so far the models have been ignoring the wave. If it  continues like this...it will be hard to ignore much longer. NOTE: Any wave that makes it this far west this early against negative conditions battling it's progress should never be ignored. It's the fighters like this that we remember forever. 
An Invest makes it pretty official as it goes that the wave is something to think upon and trust me I'm thinking. Pay attention Miami, Florida... Virgin Islands, places beyond.

In Miami, OHIO they had a Derecho which is like one of those strange Aunts or Uncles who show up on rare occasions at the family reunion and they talk and talk and talk all day, all night and drive everyone crazy. They travel great distances at a single bound... on a hot summer day like today.
Currently there is damage at the Dayton Mall and over a 100,000 people are without power in Ohio from what is called a "Derecho" and the whole storm system is moving east FAST. The Miami Valley is a mess and the mess will grow in size as damage reports come in all night. This started in Des Moines Iowa earlier... reports of overturned trucks and winds in excess of 70 mph. How far will this system go??
In Raleigh it was so hot today that the freeway buckled. Just up and buckled, stopped traffic to a grinding halt.  I guess extreme heat CAN affect Mother Earth... even if only tying up the traffic.
And, am wondering if the heat this year being so similar to 1954 will bring us similar storms like Hazel that left a legacy of destruction in this region that all old timers talk about.  Yes, I know we are supposedly having an El Nino and that should put a grinding halt to the hurricane season in October. Then again, Cousin Sal was supposed to take out The Wave and well... weather is hard to predict.
"1954 - Drought: 1954 was a year of disastrous drought, especially during the very hot summer months. The statewide mean annual precipitation of 32.96 inches holds the record for the driest year. Small streams went dry and crops were devastated. The National Weather Service reported that the 1954 crop was only ten percent of the ten year average production.1954 - Hurricane Hazel: As the state was trying to escape from the drought and heat of the spring and summer months, Hurricane Hazel dealt a staggering blow. Hazel smashed inland just north of the South Carolina/North Carolina border on October 15. Winds in excess of 100 mph were reported in the Myrtle Beach area. Towering seas, excessive tides and hurricane winds combined to inflict damage totaling $27 million on the state. The fury of the hurricane and the slow, creeping destruction of the drought combined to create losses in excess of $100 million."
Keep watching the wave... stay cool, stay safe... stay hydrated and keep watching to see how high the high temps will go... and where the wave goes later next week. Obviously, I have my thoughts and they include the Bahamas, Florida, over or under Cuba.. if it gets north it could pose a threat to the Carolinas. Keep watching............and note there is a BIG wave coming off of Africa that is far enough north to be viable as something to watch down the road, especially if the Invest doesn't fizzle out and keeps getting stronger and moving west.
Besos Bobbi
Ps... an article about Greg Fishel and why people up this way pay attention to him the way they do Bryan Norcross in Mami.. a reminder that meteorology is about math not just science.

Glossary:King Tutt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_upper_tropospheric_trough
Cousin SAL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saharan_Air_Layer
Derecho: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derecho
(you thought i was making this up??? lol)

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